Brenda Cody Rossell

Dear Beth Ellyn,
I just wanted to let you know that I did get relief from your Meltdown Yam cream!
Plus it made my skin so soft.
Please explain again to me, how it works on men without turning them feminine? Our doctor said my husband has Low Testosterone and that he needs “Adrogel” for men. He said Yam cream is for women, and would make his low T worse.
What do you say?
Also, I stopped eating Peanut Butter, and the other item that makes for copper toxicity.
Brenda Cody Rossell

Hi Brenda:

Thanks for the kind words. Yam cream is for women who have lost progesterone. It will not help with his testosterone.
However, men make TWO hormones in their testes and progesterone is one. (We make ours in our ovaries and adrenal glands…) I’d bet he is low in both of them, so that is why this would help. Progesterone is a MALE hormone!!!!!!!
It won’t make him feminine. That comes from too much estrogen. There is no estrogen in my cream.
((hugs)), BETH Ellyn

Brenda Cody Rossell shares her testimony on how Meltdown Wild Yam Cream helped her